Natwest OSCA's


Devon hall of fame

The ECB OSCA's (Outstanding Service to Cricket Awards) annually recognise the work put in by volunteers all over the country.

This year there are 7 categories that clubs can nominate individuals for. There will be 3 finalists within each category for the Devon OSCA's presentation day to be held at a Somerset Twenty20 fixture. The winner of each category within Devon will be invited to an awards ceremony at Lords on October 5th.

Below are a collection of pictures containing some of the Devon winners from the 3 previous OSCA events at Lords.

2008 OSCA Finalists
2008 Devon winner Julie Choules with Mike Gatting
Julie Choules (left) & George Greed (centre)
2007 OSCA Finalists

Graham Pascoe, Ian Western David Moseby  & Philip Spong

(Unable to attend Jim Parker )

Dave Moseby with his 'leagues & boards' OSCA flanked by Mark Ramprakash and Charlotte Edwards.

Dave Moseby & Phil Spongs presentation video - Click Here

2006 OSCA Finalists

Devon's 2006 Winners with the Ashes

during their museum tour.

Andy Davies, Chris Theedom & Daniel Murname. 

(John Kelsey & Alan Swift also won County OSCA's but were unable to attend)

all content © Devon Cricket Board