The Landfill Communities Fund
This is a source of grant aid which is available for community based recreational projects (Cricket Clubs) arising from Landfill Tax. The aim is to ensure as far as practicable that the cost of landfill properly reflects the impact it has on the environment. 
The Government has  decided that some of the tax that is raised can be used to support environmental aims by allowing a credit or landfill tax to operators of landfill sites who make contributions to environmental bodies for spending on certain environmental objectives. The environmental bodies will be existing or newly created non profit distributing organisation which register with ENTRUST the landfill tax credit scheme regulator. Once enrolled, such Environment Trusts may spend the contributions they received from landfill operators on approved objectives
The Approved Objectives Are;

a) The reclamation, remediation and restoration
of land in a degraded state.

b) The reduction, or prevention of pollution of land
which was caused by a previous activity.

d) The provision, maintenance or improvement of a
public park or other public amenity in the vicinity
of a landfill site (i.e. about a 10 mile radius).
d (a) The provision, conservation, restoration or
enhancement of a natural habitat or the
maintenance or recovery of a species in its
natural habitat.

e) The maintenance, repair or restoration of a
building or other structure which is a place of
worship or of historical architectural interest.

Clubs will usually qualify through objectives (d) whilst they may be able to register with ENTRUST as environment bodies there are a number of “Distributive Environment Bodies” (D-Ebs) who may consider applications for grant support. However, it should be noted that objective (d) sites must be open to general public, which may be achieved through an appropriate administration or open membership policy.
Click here for ENTRUST Landfill Communities Fund Website. 

DCB Ltd, University of Exeter Sports Hall, Stocker Road, Exeter, Devon EX4 4QN Company Registration Number: 7024773

all content © Devon Cricket Board Ltd 2025    |    page edited by:    updated: 03/03/2010   |